Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Crosses in Lafayette, CA





"I can see their point," said Clark, the property owner. "It upsets them to drive by and see all those crosses. Well, it upsets me, too. But that is what happened; it's real. Each cross represents someone who has died over there."

A soft-spoken man and rail-thin, Heaton chooses words with care as he discusses the crosses. Asked if he considered them a war protest or a memorial to the fallen, he paused a few beats before answering.

"It is difficult," he said finally, "to divide that out. I consider it a peace memorial. The point is to sort of in a neutral way show the true impact or effects of the war so that people can work that through in their own way."




Disregarding which side of the issue one is coming from, the truth is, all who have fallen were loved by someone. As human beings we can all relate to feelings of deep love, loss, and sorrow. As we all go on with our daily lives it is important to remember the realities of an imperfect world. Ultimately, all of us will not make it out alive. I recently had the opportunity to drive by this hill while in town for Thanksgiving. I was silenced by the image before me. It is amazing to see the impact one person can have through complete silence. These crosses represent a reality that we must all endure. Sometimes in order to do so one must stop talking, silence their own demons, and be open to a truth that may be beyond their own agendas and understanding. 

Monday, November 24, 2008

Girl on Bike...Graffiti Removal Video

I don't know about anyone else but that girl on the bike in the graffiti removal video was awesome. I mean, she was just chillin' riding her bike along side all these walls and buildings that had been "graffiti removaled". Do you think she was one of the documentarists or just some random person they asked to be in the film? Did anyone else noticed how tricked out her bike was, too? It even had a basket on the front... how convenient! There was a while in the video where she kept appearing and riding by; sometimes she would appear right away, but other times she would stall for a while. I started to anticipate her arrival. You could never tell whether she would come from the left side of the screen or the right. I googled the video and tried to get a picture of her and I couldn't find her anywhere; I was disappointed. I thought she was more of a representation of art than those graffiti removal squares. Her outfit was pretty sweet too. In a way we are all an artistic representation everyday. Our artistic capabilities can be seen through what we choose to wear, how we style (or not style) our hair, the shoes we put on, and even the way we carry ourselves. Let's not forget our "rides", either. Haven't you noticed that you can totally tell a lot about a person through their mode of transportation and how it looks? That girls bike definitely said a lot about her. It has been said that people resemble their pets, well, I think the same can be said about people's modes of transportation. I would have to say that I thought that video displayed a lot of subconscious art; it wasn't so much the graffiti removal that made it interesting as compared to that crazy girl on the bike...




Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Wake up at 3:00pm.
Ingest every illegal drug twice.
Consider this only beautiful.
Become Mother Theresa.

2008 fall

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Novels in Three Lines

Two thieves were caught with 12 pigs stuffed in their small van. "They were really squashed into the car very tightly."

Members of FSU, armed with hammers and machetes, invaded the venue and started shoving concertgoers. The FSU member died at the hospital later that night.

A rape victim drove her rapist to a police station
when he fell asleep in his car after assaulting her. She showed a lot of bravery and common sense.

They want to ensure that there is some protection that graves aren't going to cave in as people are walking over them. Maintenance should be relatively straight forward.

Having been living with two skeletons
and a badly decomposed body. The woman was taken to a facility for care.

The van drove onto the Sound Transit tracks
and struck a light pole between the light-rail tracks. The four people suffered a range of injuries in the 2:48 am crash.

Two pit bulls savagely attacked a 71-year-old
Sea Tac woman who is recovering from
shredded ears, a crushed arm, and a broken jaw.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

News From Home

After the first minute or so of the film I wrote in my notebook, "moving day into the city; move away from people you love." Then, when the letters started my first impressions were confirmed. For me, the letters in this film represent the passing of old things and the beginnings of new things; a representation of the evolution that occurs when a significant transition (like moving away from what is comfortable: life as you know it) takes place. I come to this conclusion by associating what is going on in the film with my own life. Literally, a person can pack up and move away from their current life and start a new one somewhere else, but what gets left behind in the wake of transitions are memories, relationships, associations, and thoughts about the experiences that have now passed. In the event of relocation, (meaning, any type of life transition or change) what went before is forever sketched into the soul, to never be forgotten. The letters in the film were a constant reminder of what had gone before. I noticed that as the "new life" progressed for the character in the film, the letters still remained but were gradually more drowned out by the growing hustle of the city and the gradual growth or creation of his/her "new life". The character in the film continued to develop, as did the city itself, but the letters still continued on. Though this character had established a new life for his/herself, the impact that he/she brings to this continuously evolving entity is directly and significantly related to what had gone before. We are all creatures of our experiences past and present. Each moment we take a breath makes an impression on what is to come. In considering this,  each life represents purpose and also direct responsibility for things both conceivable and inconceivable.