Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Crosses in Lafayette, CA
Monday, November 24, 2008
Girl on Bike...Graffiti Removal Video
I don't know about anyone else but that girl on the bike in the graffiti removal video was awesome. I mean, she was just chillin' riding her bike along side all these walls and buildings that had been "graffiti removaled". Do you think she was one of the documentarists or just some random person they asked to be in the film? Did anyone else noticed how tricked out her bike was, too? It even had a basket on the front... how convenient! There was a while in the video where she kept appearing and riding by; sometimes she would appear right away, but other times she would stall for a while. I started to anticipate her arrival. You could never tell whether she would come from the left side of the screen or the right. I googled the video and tried to get a picture of her and I couldn't find her anywhere; I was disappointed. I thought she was more of a representation of art than those graffiti removal squares. Her outfit was pretty sweet too. In a way we are all an artistic representation everyday. Our artistic capabilities can be seen through what we choose to wear, how we style (or not style) our hair, the shoes we put on, and even the way we carry ourselves. Let's not forget our "rides", either. Haven't you noticed that you can totally tell a lot about a person through their mode of transportation and how it looks? That girls bike definitely said a lot about her. It has been said that people resemble their pets, well, I think the same can be said about people's modes of transportation. I would have to say that I thought that video displayed a lot of subconscious art; it wasn't so much the graffiti removal that made it interesting as compared to that crazy girl on the bike...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Novels in Three Lines
Members of FSU, armed with hammers and machetes, invaded the venue and started shoving concertgoers. The FSU member died at the hospital later that night.
A rape victim drove her rapist to a police station when he fell asleep in his car after assaulting her. She showed a lot of bravery and common sense.
They want to ensure that there is some protection that graves aren't going to cave in as people are walking over them. Maintenance should be relatively straight forward.
Having been living with two skeletons and a badly decomposed body. The woman was taken to a facility for care.
The van drove onto the Sound Transit tracks and struck a light pole between the light-rail tracks. The four people suffered a range of injuries in the 2:48 am crash.
Two pit bulls savagely attacked a 71-year-old
Sea Tac woman who is recovering from
shredded ears, a crushed arm, and a broken jaw.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
News From Home
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
////////////////////////////// Cart
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Limitless Mind Journey
On display while people are just staring. Global warming and starvation. The ice is melting and all that is around is greed and consumption. With the openess of children and the minds of curious cats they may have no idea what is coming. But why should they care. The bear has a wisdom far greater and one that can evolutionalize time. The socks will not protect the stripedness of the consumers eyes. Black as they no it the light will come and take over when no one has any idea of what has come. The truth will come and consume all who are in a whirlwind of madd chaos. Who shall be set free then? Are we all participants in this manner that consumes the animal brain? And why aren’t the faces of them showing? Only the bear can bare the bareness of his face. The others turn away and refuse to face what is truly there. They are left with a pointed finger and no face to show . How is it then that we condemn what is unknown, and who am I to decide this judgement? And after understanding and reading all of this the human mind is full of pure craziness. What is real and what isn’t? I don’t like to be told what or how to think and why is there no real way in surrealism? The forcefulness of opening the mind forever makes the mind more closed. If one is left to be okay with himself then one will eventually know what truth is. Maybe truth is what we all make of it. This is why we dress in this fashion with dresses and striped socks. But what about the men in knickers? Or would you even call them men? For some may say that the bear is not even real, it has been made out of imagination only.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Wondrous Water Bottle
I was in California shopping a few weeks ago. I walked by this store and as I peered through the window I saw the coolest tree made out of empty water bottles. It definitely caught my attention; I couldn't help but walk into the store to check it out (if this was a marketing ploy it worked!). I was amazed by the creativity! Water bottles (or plastic bottles in general) are part of our everyday (though it is more environmentally friendly to use reusable bottles and/or coffee cups). As often as I have drunk from a water bottle, it has never crossed my mind to do something creative with it afterwards. I just thought this water bottle display added to the chic vibe of the store. With the holidays coming up, I think I have a new idea for a tree this year...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
An Aleatory Element
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
In Response to Today's Class...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Everyday Critique
"Critique implies possibilities, and possibilities as yet unfulfilled. It is the task of critique to demonstrate what these possibilities and this lack of fulfilment are" (Henri Lefebvre, page 26). This quote caught my attention because I believe human beings spend a lot of their everyday lives critiquing. Life is an evaluation. A process of creating ideas and molding oneself and/or others to view the world through a particular lens. Is an opinion a critique? Do our critiques say a lot about us, or the thing that we are critiquing? What would a world void of criticism be like? Who determines our possibilities and how we fulfill them? I looked up critique in the dictionary (online) and I found a strange note included under the definition:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
20 Minutes of Nothing
I found that it was difficult for me to actually do nothing for 20 minutes. I had to plan out a time for this assignment to get done. When I sat down to “do” my 20 minutes of nothing, I started thinking about all of the other things that I needed to get done. I began to feel very overwhelmed. I realized that I often spend time thinking about what I need to do next or what needs to get done, and as a result I am rarely in the moment of “now”. I started looking at the framed pictures around me and noticed that the pictures captured me in that moment, but was I really mindfully present in that moment at that time? It saddened me to think that I probably wasn’t wholeheartedly. Fun times with friends and family would be much more enjoyable if I would seize that moment alone, and actually be present where I am. Life can be a busy thing when you are working full time and going to school; however, the blessings of everyday shouldn’t be surpassed because of the stress of a full agenda. The last 10 minutes of my 20 minutes of nothing was when I actually was starting to relax. I began to hear my body telling me that I was hungry and also that I had a toothache. My 20 minutes of nothing was coming to an end and I wanted to remain in “nothing mode”. Pausing for 20 minutes helped reiterate the importance of “seizing the day”. This new challenge is one I am excited to take on!